So today I actually figured out how to upload a program. This wasn't difficult; the user manual explained the process well enough. But the computer expects the uploaded file to be in Intel or MOS hex file format. I wasn't familiar with either of these, but a quick Google search turned up what I needed to know. Both are a text file format to encode binary data in hexadecimal form. They're very similar formats, differing only slightly.
Here's an example of the Intel hex file format of a simple program from the book that I ran through the assembler:
The format is actually pretty simple once you break it down. If you're curious I recommend checking out the Intel HEX Wikipedia entry. The above, however, is just 14 bytes that are loaded into memory at address $0200 (hexadecimal value, or 512 in base-10); the second line is the end-of-file record. As I said, the MOS hex file format is very similar. The only difference is that it starts with a ';' instead of a ':', and the record type (the fourth byte, with each two characters comprising one byte) isn't there. Also the end-of-file line has a slightly different format.
Now the webpage for this kit includes a download with the TASM assembler, which is an older shareware assembler that, as near as I can tell, isn't available for sale anymore. But the problem is, I think it's a 16-bit DOS app. When I run it under Windows 7, it says it's incompatible. I did run it under DOS in VMWare and got a simple little program to compile, but obviously this isn't a long-term solution. By the way, the irony that a DOS-based assembler is not usable for a guy who's into retro computers (including DOS-based machines) is not lost on me. All I can say is that I would be happy to do the development in DOS except for two things: I don't have a serial port to upload the program available in my DOS environment (VirtualBox under Mac); and it would just be clunky to have to transfer my program from DOS to an environment where I could upload the program.
With TASM eliminated, I'd really like to use a modern assembler, something that is cross-platform and still supported. I looked and didn't find any 6502 cross-assemblers that would directly output Intel hex file, so I decided I'll just have to convert my assembled program into Intel hex as a second step in my build, which means I can use any assembler. So which one? I've used the assembler with cc65 before, but I wasn't thrilled with it. cc65 is great for C programming, but less great for assembler, though it's a completely functional assembler. I looked at several, and decided to try KickAssembler.
Now as a 6502 assembler, KickAssembler seems very C64 oriented, especially since it only generates either a simple binary file or a C64 compatible PRG file. But for my purposes the PRG should actually do nicely. It's about as simple a format as one could imagine. The first two bytes indicates the starting address; the rest is just the raw binary. I searched for a utility to convert a binary to Intel hex, but didn't find one I liked, so I decided to write one myself. So the PRG really does work very well, since it contains all the information I need and nothing more.
So what are my plans with this little board? Here's a rough projection of what I'd like to do (though given my record of being distracted, it's not likely I'll actually finish all this):
- Write bin2ihex
- Build an emulator using C and Qt (emulators are so much easier for testing/debugging)
- Write a new monitor that uses the serial port
That's obviously a good bit of work, especially the new monitor. I would like to do an interpreted environment like BASIC, but not BASIC as I'm not really a fan of that language. Maybe Forth or else some other simple language.
I'll keep posting as I progress.